McMaster is launching The Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats, to ensure Canada and the world are better able to manage the human and
Category: McMaster

Assessing the viability of whole genome bisulfite-sequencing for epigenetic age prediction. A.G. McArthur (PI), M. Chong (Intern). Mitacs Accelerate. Drug Metabolism in the human microbiome.

David Braley Centre for Antibiotic Discovery gives researchers a fighting chance against antimicrobial resistance. A forward-looking McMaster donor is investing $7 million in a new

Kara Tsang wins the McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Programs Outstanding Achievement & Excellence in Oral Presentation Awards! Her happy supervisor is honoured to

The McArthurLab receives funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation: Twelve McMaster research projects receive more than $2.4-million Dr. McArthur to be a @McMasterU Learning

The McArthur lab is proud to collaborate with colleagues in the Faculty of Science on the metabolic and transcriptional responses to human inactivity and aging under

To improve the power of Learning Portfolios to enable long-term peer-to-peer mentoring between McMaster students and alumni, this Learning Portfolio Fellowship will establish a centralized database

McMaster Innovation Showcase 2014 is an opportunity for the University to demonstrate the exciting technologies that have been developed at McMaster, feature the initiatives underway

Today was the annual Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research (IIDR) Research Trainee Day, a great day of presentations and posters. Congratulations to

Andrew McArthur will be returning to academia in September 2014 to join McMaster University as the Cisco Chair in Bioinformatics and Associate Professor in the