This week we say farewell to Dr. Sheridan Baker, who joined us in early 2021 as lead molecular biologist for our Ontario Genomics Coalition (ONCoV)
Category: genomics

Nirmalarajah et al. BMC Infect Dis. 2025 Jan 28;25(1):132. Background: Drivers of COVID-19 severity are multifactorial and include multidimensional and potentially interacting factors encompassing viral

Nasir et al. NAR Genomics & Bioinformatics. 2024 Dec 18;6(4):lqae176. The incorporation of sequencing technologies in frontline and public health healthcare settings was vital in

Mateusz Wlodarski wins the bioMerieux prize for best poster presentation! Arnold, A., A.R. Raphenya, A.G. McArthur, & J.M. Stokes. 2024. The ESKAPE model: AI-guided antibiotic

IIDR Trainee Day 2024!
A great day of posters and presentations by the trainees of the Michael G. DeGroote Institute of Infectious Disease Research! Nilasha Mohan, Undergraduate student. Developing

Tsang et al. Microb Genom. 2024 Oct;10(10). Interpreting the phenotypes of bla SHV alleles in Klebsiella pneumoniae genomes is complex. Whilst all strains are expected

Gill et al. 2024. The Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal & Duotang: open resources for SARS-CoV-2 viral sequences and genomic epidemiology. Microb Genom. 2024 Oct;10(10):001293. The

Wlodarski, M.A., T.T.Y. Lau, A.R. Raphenya, B.P. Alcock, & A.G. McArthur. 2024. Accurate pathogen-of-origin classification of antibiotic resistance genes with CARD k-mers. Presentation at the

This one-hour webinar, entitled “DNA sequencing in infectious disease surveillance, diagnosis, and management,” features talks from Andrew McArthur (Professor, Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences) and Rubayet

CSM Mukiri, K.M., B.P. Alcock, & A.G. McArthur. 2024. Increasing the predictive accuracy of the Resistance Gene Identifier by abandoning sole reliance on bitscore.

Gill, E.E., B. Jia, C.L. Murall, R. Poujol, M.Z. Anwar, N.S. John, J. Richardsson, A. Hobb, A.S. Olabode, A. Lepsa, A.T. Duggan, A.D. Tyler, A.

Alcock, B.P., E.A. Bordeleau, & A.G McArthur. 2024. Improving aminoglycoside resistance surveillance and stewardship efforts through nomenclature harmonization with the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database. Presentation

Antimicrobial Resistance – Genomes, Big Data and Emerging Technologies – Wellcome Trust, UK
Mukiri, K.M., B.P. Alcock, & A.G. McArthur. 2024. Increasing the predictive accuracy of the Resistance Gene Identifier by abandoning sole reliance on bitscore. Ta, T.E.,

Allison K Guitor, Anna Katyukhina, Margaret Mokomane, Kwana Lechiile, David M Goldfarb, Gerard D Wright, Andrew G McArthur, & Jeffrey M Pernica J Infect Dis.

Chronic COVID-19 infection in an immunosuppressed patient shows changes in lineage over time: a case report
Sheridan J C Baker , Landry E Nfonsam , Daniela Leto , Candy Rutherford , Marek Smieja , & Andrew G McArthur Virol J. 2024

IIDR Trainee Day 2023
COLIN BRUCE – Investigating Fibre Degradation in the Infant Gut Microbiota ; DIRK HACKENBERGER – Was World War 2 Foundational to the Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis?

ID-IIDR Rounds – Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile: new insights from the clinic and laboratory
This one-hour webinar features talks from Marek Smieja (Professor, Pathology & Molecular Medicine), Sheridan Baker (Postdoctoral Fellow, The McArthur Lab and Smieja Lab), and Maddie

2023-2024 Thesis & Inquiry Course Students Kriti Goel (3rd year Biochemistry) – BIOCHEM 3R06 Tiffany Ta (4th year Biomedical Discovery & Commercialization) – BIOMEDDC 4A15 Kristine

The McArthur lab welcomes Brody Duncan, M.D. (Hamilton Health Sciences) as he starts his M.Sc. studies with us, investigating standards and methods for clinical reporting

Baker, S.J.C., J. Maciejewski, M.-T. Usuanlele, J. Gilchrist, D.R. Sharma, D. Bulir, M. Smieja, M. Loeb, M.G. Surette, A.G. McArthur, & D. Mertz. 2023. Investigating