A great day of posters and presentations by the trainees of the Michael G. DeGroote Institute of Infectious Disease Research!

Nilasha Mohan, Undergraduate student. Developing a New Suite of Hidden Markov Models for the Accurate Annotation of Known and Novel B-Lactamases in Metagenomic Sequences.

Tiffany Ta, MSc student. Advancements in Natural Language Processing for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance and Epidemiology.

Karyn Mukiri, PhD student. Increasing the Predictive Accuracy of the Resistance Gene Identifier by Abandoning Sole Reliance on Bitscore..

Autumn Arnold, MSc student (Stokes Lab). The ESKAPE Model – Predicting Antibiotic Spectrum of Activity using Machine Learning.

Madeline McCarthy, PhD student. Targeted Capture of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile Genomes for High Resolution, Culture-Free Outbreak Detection.

Dirk Hackenberger, PhD Candidate (Wright, Poinar, McArthur labs). Sulfonamide overuse in World War 2 was foundational to modern AMR.

Mateusz Wlodarski, MSc Student. Classifying resistant pathogens from antibiotic resistance genes with k-mers.

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