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CIHR (G. Steinberg, McMaster University, Canada)
Gene Environment Team on Brown/beige Adipose Tissue (GET_BAT). In this project we will conduct studies in cells, mice and humans to examine how agricultural and food processing practices may regulate brown adipose tissue metabolic activity directly or indirectly by altering the billions of bacteria that reside within our gastrointestinal tract.

NIH/NIEHS (M. Jenny, University of Alabama, USA)
The role of MTF-1 as a mediator of ocular toxicity. The major goals of this project are to characterize the role of MTF-1 in regulating genes involved in eye development.

NIH/NIEHS (A. Timme-Laragy, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Activation of Nrf2 during embryonic development: mechanisms and consequences. Examining the possible regulatory role of Nrf2 in early embryonic development, with emphasis upon molecular responses to oxidative stress.

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