COLIN BRUCEInvestigating Fibre Degradation in the Infant Gut Microbiota ; DIRK HACKENBERGERWas World War 2 Foundational to the Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis? ; KARYN MUKIRI Increasing the Predictive Accuracy of the Resistance Gene Identifier to Allow First-Time Complete Bacterial Resistome Annotation ; KEATON SMITHA Standardized Nomenclature for Resistance Modifying Agents in the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database ; KRITI GOELAdvancing the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database through the Addition of Anti-Fungal Resistance Mechanisms ; MADELINE MCCARTHYBacOps: Bacterial O-pool Design Software for Targeted Capture of Pathogen Genomes for High Resolution, Culture-Free Outbreak Detection and Surveillance ; TIFFANY TAUsing Natural Language Processing to Analyze the Transmission Pathways of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Through a “Confusogram”

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